Theater and the Sacred in the Middle Ages

Dąbrówka, Andrzej

Theater and the Sacred in the Middle Ages - Bern Peter Lang International Academic Publishers 2019 - 1 electronic resource (576 p.) - Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance v.20 . - Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance v.20 .

Open Access

The book presents a theory of relationships between the forms of devotion and early drama genres. The historical background is the circumstances of the Church becoming independent of the Empire. A theological and philosophical aspect of the transformation of piety at the time was the specification of the ontological status of the sacred (spiritualization) and "shifting it to Heaven" (transcendentalization). In opposition to a theory of Western civilization as a process of increasing individual self-control, the author argues for the need to take into account purely religious conditions (the idea of recapitulation). This allows the author to develop a holistic aesthetics for the religiously inspired creativity in the period spanning the 11th-15th centuries and to propose a new typology of medieval drama.

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9783653047974 9783631708583 9783631708590 9783631655016

История искусства
Художественная литература

Антропология Театр Когнитивная психология Средневековая драма
