A Global History of Ideas in the Language of Law

Schuppert, Gunnar Folke

A Global History of Ideas in the Language of Law - Frankfurt am Main Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory 2021 - 1 electronic resource (328 p.) - Global Perspectives on Legal History v.16 . - Global Perspectives on Legal History v.16 .

Open Access

This book argues that the narrowing focus of the global history of ideas on narratives in historical research, philosophy and political theory neglects the fact that the central concepts of the history of political ideas are articulated in the language of law. Key figures of the history of ideas, like Kant, Hegel and Weber, engaged deeply with the philosophy and sociology of law. This monograph reveals the significance of the legal semantics of the history of ideas.

Creative Commons


9783944773308 9783944773315

История отдельных стран и народов

История Азии История Европы Конституция: правительство и государство История: конкретные события и темы История 20-го века: с 1900 по 2000 год.