Lynn, Theo

Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing - Springer Nature 2020 - 1 electronic resource (125 p.) - Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling Technologies . - Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling Technologies .

Open Access

The importance of demonstrating the value achieved from IT investments is long established in the Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) literature. However, emerging technologies such as the ever-changing complex area of cloud computing present new challenges and opportunities for demonstrating how IT investments lead to business value. Recent reviews of extant literature highlights the need for multi-disciplinary research. This research should explore and further develops the conceptualization of value in cloud computing research. In addition, there is a need for research which investigates how IT value manifests itself across the chain of service provision and in inter-organizational scenarios. This open access book will review the state of the art from an IS, Computer Science and Accounting perspective, will introduce and discuss the main techniques for measuring business value for cloud computing in a variety of scenarios, and illustrate these with mini-case studies.

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Электронный бизнес

Innovation/Technology Management Big Data/Analytics Enterprise Architecture e-Commerce/e-business Business and Management IT in Business e-Commerce and e-Business open access business value models Infrastructure-as-a-Service Platform-as-a-Service microservice Software-as-a-Service Business Process-as-a-Service brokerage cloud marketplace digital ecosystem deployment model edge fog mist Research & development management Industrial applications of scientific research & technological innovation Business mathematics & systems Business applications E-commerce: business aspects