Ray, Aniruddha

Mobile Diagnosis 2.0 - Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2021 - 1 electronic resource (114 p.)

Open Access

Mobile sensing and diagnostic capabilities are becoming extremely important for a wide range of emerging applications and fields spanning mobile health, telemedicine, point-of-care diagnostics, global health, field medicine, democratization of sensing and diagnostic tools, environmental monitoring, and citizen science, among many others. The importance of low-cost mobile technologies has been underlined during this current COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for applications such as the detection of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, as well as for prediction and management of different diseases and disorders. This book focuses on some of these application areas and provides a timely summary of cutting-edge results and emerging technologies in these interdisciplinary fields.

Creative Commons


9783036503806 9783036503813

Мобильные приложения

Zika NS1 point of care colorimetric smartphone microfluidic inertial sensors pediatric neurological disease kinematics motor activity depression depressive episodes data mining random forest night Parkinson’s disease recurrent neural network motion sensor monitoring the condition of patients fever NMFI mobile laboratory RPA DENV mobile applications diagnostic equipment headache migraine postural balance visual motor coordination vestibular function tests infectious diseases diagnostics point-of-care devices microfluidics plasmonics lensless imaging n/a