Webster J. Linda

Introduction to Public Speaking 2nd Edition/ Cover Design, Ellie Moore Book design by Donovan & Gilhooley - United States of America College of Arts and Sciences at Louisiana State University, Shreveport 2012 - 109 p

Public SpeakingSection one: Preparing to Speak
Introduction: Importance of Public Speaking
Chapter One: The History of Public Speaking
Chapter Two: Influences on Public Speaking
Section two: Creating the Speech
Chapter Three: The Speaker
Chapter Four: The Audience
Chapter Five: Listening and Perception
Chapter Six: Choosing the Topic
Section three: Putting the Speech Together
Chapter Seven: Structure and Support
Chapter Eight: Outlining and Transitions
Chapter Nine: Presentation and Delivery
Chapter Ten: Types of Speeches
Appendix: Plagiarism
Plagiarizm Awareness Form
